I have taken a lot of the feedback - and come to the conclusion that I will run it concurrently on BOTH sites. Who needs sleep?
I have made some improvements to the gameotheday.com Game-A-Thon which I think addresses many of the concerns I heard. I will publish the information shortly.
Uh, no. And for some reason, neither did the "Tichu" plant. You would think it wouldn't take that long to reprint a pack of cards, but it's been OSM for 4 months now.
Downfall of Pompeii Elasund: The First City of Catan Carolus Magnus Mr. Jack Vikings Gheos Masons YINSH Commands & Colors: Ancients Power Grid - Italy/France Map
If we have a game(s) that were purchased from the Google site that haven't shipped yet, can we use the "game5" coupon on the first order tonight on the Google site?
Also, can you use more than one (different) coupon on a single order?
Yea. The last one did not go well for me. Emergency out of town and did not get back until it was over. Everthing in my cart had gone bye bye. Great to see google back up and running. Thanks so much Eric for running both at the same time.
Steven - if you are "done" I can ship and charge and issue the $10 rebate. I can't issue it until I ship and charge at least one of the items, which I usually do at the end of the Game-A-Thon for combined shipping.
as well for great deals. Currently there are 10 games up ranging from oft-requested Zooloretto and Ticket to Ride: Switzerland map to newly released Khronos and popular titles like Blokus and Bang! Once your cart hits just $50, you can enter code "SAVEALOT" to save $3.50. You can enter this coupon multiple times so you should check out at $50, even if you may buy more games. Enjoy!
What email address did you use? I didn't see it in my eric.gameoftheday@gmail.com address. Sorry you are missing something, will check the old address and see what's up. Check your email for a response shortly.
My Zooloretto just came today, that I ordered on your last thon'. Perfect shape. It was in an Amazon box, and I've always wondered how Amazon did the actual shipping, packaging, account work, when a 3rd party is selling the item. How does that all work anyway? All the other items I've ordered off of Amazon from 3rd party sellers, they have always shipped the items from their own business/residence. Hoping for another good 'thon, as I see Tanga selling socket plugs and nail trimmers again. I'd post a comment that there are some good games here that poeple were hunting, but I don't think they would last long on that site.
Jason, I've checked gameoftheday@cox.net and there wasn't an email from you there either... would you mind resending the email to my eric.gameoftheday@gmail.com address.
I watched Journeyman last night on my DVR. That is a great show, however it makes me have strange dreams. Last night I dreamt that it was 1960, and I was right in the middle of the Kennedy / Nixon presidential election. Weird, huh?
Jason - I found your email... you fooled me because you sent it before the mid September Game-A-Thon. You can use the game5 coupon on your first order.
I've heard the 1960 Nixon/JFK game is a streamlined and better implementation of all of Twilight Struggle's best characteristics. I hope it goes up for sale today!
Eric, Wanted to say that I LOVE the changes you implemeneted since the last thon. The 3.50 discount after 50 at the GOTD site solves a lot of the panic over rushing. I'm also very happy to see you back on google again. Thanks for taking all our suggestions so seriously. That said here's my wishlist hehe:
Ticket to Ride (Original) Wicked Witch Ways Bean Trader Ark (Plus Expansions) Gloom (Plus 2 two expansions) Bull In a China Shop Poison Mr. Bill Fred Station Master
Ok, I got Thebes and held out too long on 80 days & Settlers, so here are my other requests...
Thurn & Taxis + Expansion Struggle of Empires Goa (I thought I saw above it wasn't available?) Key Harvest (wishful thinking) The World Cup Game Hystericoach Patrician R-Eco
There is no GAME5OCT this time. There are two coupons, one at each site:
Game5 - for Google on 2nd and subsequent orders (combined shipping discount)
SAVEALOT - for Amazon checkouts when your total is over $50, saves $3.50. (Would add up to $10.50 over 3X$50 but you don't have to get all the way to $150 to cash in).
The $10 Rebate for $150 in purchases is for the Google site and is still a manual process that I do when you reach that total.
Ok, I forgot to mention - you might want to mention where you are going to shop when you make your request, to make sure I post to the right location...
Eric: Is there any way to use 2 coupons on Google for one order? I got another coupon to use, but it was after I had already bought Thebes last night, but Game5 will be worth more money off to me...
Bah! My wife has some crazy notion that I may be getting 1960 for Christmas (Two months away! Ahhhh the agony!). I can't risk buying it. I will have to limit my purchases to games that I have not mentioned to her previously.
This is traight of the Tanga boards. Can I just say that as much as I love GoTD can we not have 24/7 game-a-thons forever my wallet can't handle it. I'll be playing boardgames in the snow. I admit it...I HAVE NO WILL POWER. Once a month is good. I can handle once a month.
TangaJoe and the rest of the Tanga Elves are very busy trying to get ready for our launch of Tanga 2.0. It’s coming very soon and we are super excited about all the neat and fun changes we are making to the site. I think you will all be pleased…
One of the changes we are making, we wanted to do immediately. And that is that we are going to be offering our Tangathon model of selling all the time. No more one deal every 24 hours! We wanted to do this for a variety of reasons:
1) We really enjoy taking more of your money, more often 2) It will allow us to offer you a wider variety of products 3) It gives you more buying options when shopping at Tanga 4) We think it’s a heckuva lot more fun!
So starting today, we are going to be running the Tangathon into eternity and beyond. We may stop it at some point in the future to mix things up a bit with different ways of purchasing so stay glued to your computer monitor with one hand on the mouse and another hand on your wallet!
Now, because of this, we may leave some products up longer than others depending on availability, quantity, if we are snug in our beds, etc.
Oh my. No, we will not be doing that. If it's not really a Tangathon anymore, then we will bravely go to our own schedule... and I agree, once a month feels about right.
Eric, Thanks for fillng my part of the wishlist. You sure you don't have a tiny little Ark expanision lying around while I'm buying the base game? I just wanna triple check! LOL
I saw it at that 3rd game site you have once I think. Hehehe I'm such a pain I know!
Also when are you planning on ending this Game-a-thon seeing as you're no longer on a tanga schedule?
Oooh yeah this whole Tanga thing is gonna get beyond sad. A laser pointer? I think I'm gonna have to cancel my text alerts before these crap items kill my cell bill. LOL
Anyway as for something on topic. Thanks for posting some of the stuff on my wishlist Eric. I checked out with the "savealot" coupon and everything worked great.
Eric, What's the whole controversy about Mayfair games? 20% cap? I don't understand..sorry if it's a stupid question.. but you are great at explaining stuff.
CJ - Yes - I'll try to give a short but complete version. A recent Supreme Court ruling have producers greater ability to control consumer pricing. The former interpretation of the Sherman Anti-Trust act of 1911 was that setting pricing maintenance agreements was grounds for action "per se" - meaning that there was no need to demonstrate whether such pricing maintenance agreements helped or hindered competition. The most recent ruling overturns the 96-year-old practice and states that the new test is the "rule of reason" - meaning, in essence, that a substantially higher burden of proof of negative impact to competition has to be shown.
Because of this, producers now are more protected in controlling distribution of their products by allowing distributors and retailers to resale their products at no less than their minimum price points. Mayfair, as a strong advocate of FLGS, has wanted to implement this model for some time to level the playing field between internet retailers and FLGS, who have much higher fixed costs and have to charge higher prices to account for it.
What Mayfair is telling its distributors is that distributors who violate their pricing could be subject to sanctions or not allowed to purchase from them. They will also apply pressure to distributors to ensure the retailers they sale to maintain the minimum pricing that Mayfair sets, and if retailers violate that, Mayfair may cut off the distributor that sells to that retailer.
You can read a lot of widely different opinions on this at BGG - I've posted a few on the topic myself. Some people think the only group to benefit from this is retailers, but I don't agree that it's a benefit to ALL retailers - just specific retailers who have an entrenched presence. It raises the barrier to entry because retailers entering the market can't compete on price.
CJ From what I make of it, the supreme court overturned the 1911 antitrust law (or parts of it at least). Mayfair now has the right to limit the amount of discounts that retailers can offer on there products. Other game companies have done this for years (Games Workshop). The bottom line is that now online and FLGS should be closer in price. Thats about it.
Ya know, I really don't think that what Mayfair decided to do is such a bad thing. They just set themselves up as the one 'who cares' about the B&M store. I think anybody who follows suit will just be considered a copycat. And since mayfair has always charged more for there games, I don't think we will take a big hit in the pocketbook. Just a thought.
Wow thanks for the explanations by both of you. I guess I missed a big event in the gaming worlld on this one. This really is huge for all internet marketing. Now I'm wondering should I rush to but the Mayfair games like Elixir, Mr. Bill, and Bad Babiez that you don't have in stock Eric? %36 to 20% basically?
Patrel, Thanks. Mr. Bill is $4.00 at cardhaus but the shipping is $8.50 so I think I'll just go with boards and Bits which has 3 or 4 other Mayfair games I want that Eric is out of. Though I'm wating til Tommorrow night to see if Eric puts somethinng up that I decide I can't live without. I need a money tree!
I got the first one with Tuchulcha, Abracabra and Farfalia. The kids justed loved the card games. I am hoping that Mr. Bill and Moby Pict are just as good. Have no hope for the mystery game though.
Now would be a good time for Tanga to re-cycle Mayfair bundles since they've recycled everything else and I'm bored. I really wanna buy Arkadia and Through the Desert right now but I have a feeling they've already been picked up for me. Ah the temptation.
Thanks! I was able to get Antike and TTR:Switzerland for a great total price. I also really appreciate your willingness to consider everyone's feedback and make changes accordingly. You certainly offer great customer service.
Sadly, I will not be buying any more games for myself until after the first of the year, as both my birthday and Christmas are quickly approaching. On second thought, maybe that's a good thing...
Sorry I didn't respond -- I've been off at a conference -- no, I meant 1853, set in India. Looks really interesting, but no one has it. It was a dream, and I assumed you didn't have access to any copies. But in case you did...
I'm on the Google site, by the way.
Any chance of any more copies of 1960 coming back up?
I'm trying to Buy Camelot on The Google Site and it lets me hit the buy button but then the button to finalize isn't working. Did the Google site go down? If So, can someone hold a copy of Camelot for me or put it on GoTD?
By the way I snagged the copy of Fragile. I'd been looking at it for months. I'm horrible.
You might want to double check your description for the Alhamba Dice Game.
I have received all of my games from the last thon! Very fast, thank you! With the changes you've made (the $3.50 coupon for $50), I love both the Google and Game Of The Day methods of purchasing games. The only thing that could improve it would be to allow us to "add" the totals together somehow for our discounts (but that would probably not be very easy). Thanks again!
So, I haven't requested anything this time around because of the bad luck I had last time (I ask, you give, I no buy). But, it would be nice if you had a copy or two of Vikings, Ruse & Bruise and Ponte del Diavolo lying around so you could throw them up on the google site.
I'm thinking of grabbing Empire Builder. Is it the same game that is listed on boardgamegeek, made in 1980? From the reviews, it looks fun. I see some 7 year old reviews though, as some are dated 2000. I kinda like train games.
Woo-hoo. i got the SDJ pack. Then I checked back, and realize I already have 6 of them from the past 10 years, and one of them I don't have because we didn't like it :). Unless 1997 counts, then there are 5 I don't have.
I sent a message to the Google store message system what I didn't have, and will take whatever I get I guess. Hee hee. My pals might be getting SDJ winners for Christmas if I get repeats :).
I knew if I checked first, it would be gone though.
Ryan, saw you scored that... I always make the effort not to repeat. But to clarify, the pack is for SdJ nominees, not necessarily the winners. There were some VERY good games that got robbed - overall the best game (in my humble opinion) has not won very often.
Good point. Crud. That leave alot of good games I'd agree with too :).
Oh well. If possible, check my list on BGG, I have my games always up to date.
Glad to know there are WAY more options then :) (although I do own all of them from this past year.). I feel much better than the extreme limit I thought I had set for you or me :).
Thanks Eric, Picked up Wicked Witch Ways! I didn't see it on GoTD earlier but I was out for abour 6 hrs this afternoon. Dumb me. I left my computer. LOL
Patrel: I hear good things about through the desert been wanting it forever but I think someone got it for me. Arkadia, shadoes over camelot. I Guess it depends on what kind of gamer you are.
That where I am struggling. If you look at my profile on BGG, you will see what type of games I like. I just feel that everything is starting to feel the same and I would like to try something different. The only thing I can say for sure is that I don't want games with lots of toys (warcraft, decent, tide of iron AT in general). Want something that is good with two, but will scale if need be. Just can't come up with anything yet.
Patrel: Have you tried Jambo? Eric got me hooked on Jambo. I'll go look up your BGG profile. You can look up mine as well. CJHeart. I also like al the train games for scaling up or down. Justed picked up station master yesterday
Jambo just doesn't seem up my alley. I just don't get the fascination with train games. I just don't get it. And, I would like something I can play with my 9yo daughter.
Patrel: We have a lot of the same games. If you're looking for cool games to play with your 9 yr old I'd try Ark with the Expansion. How is Ruise and Bruise? I was thinking about getting that. I also love T & E the card game. Zooloretto, Australia is different for a family game. Shadows over Camelot is a new favorite of mine for cooperative play. Rum and Pirates... Bohanaza is my card game favorite.. so I picked up the board gane version..bean trader. Ysphan too is great.
Yeah Patrel: I need to list all the games I do have. I just got into Euro board games in like July but Eric and Tanga have seen me go crazy. Maybe tommorrow I'll go through my expanding collection. I do everything Pirate incase you haven't heard.
Also was lucky enough to get in on 50% clearance sales when 2 local game stores closed so it's been a very fast growing collection. LOL
I did sign up for BGG secret Santa. I can't wait. It's all exciting!
CJ: I am a big fan of Titan: The Arena. I would consider Ruse & Bruise a light version (really lite) of that. Faster play more luck, but a good game. I guess in the line of citadels. I just bought my own copy today. You have some interesting suggestions that I will have to look at. Is there a particular pirate game that you could recommend that is two player and for a 9yo (who regulaly kicks my butt at all things carcassonne).
Ruse and Bruise was up today? I must have missed it. Darn Darn.
Pillage and Plunder is a really great pirate card game that I think your daughter would love. At first the rule book looks daunting but it's easy once your into it and a great family game.
Pirates and Rum is very easy and my favorite but not sure how you'd feel about the theme with a 9 yr old.
Pirates Plunder is a great card pirate game too. It's rated 10 and up cause it invovles some math but that also makes it educational and at 9 your daughter should be able to handle it.
Also for Sale is a must.. I haven't met any kid or adult who doesn't like it.
I have a ton of pirate games I haven't even opened yet. But Cartenga is a lot of fun for a kid and adult combo too.. Just bought version 2 today so I can't comment on it yet.
Eric, If yu're putting up the Sole mio expansion to Mamma Mia on GoTD can you also put up the original Mamma Mia? I'd like too buy them together. Hopefully it'll be here when I'm back from house hunting.
Eric, sorry if this is posted somewhere else, but can you show me the link to where you explain how the game5 coupon works on the google site ? I read the new dueling thon' faq there, but it didn't really relay what the coupon did. Is it just a credit on shipping or something? I've yet to grab anything on the google site, but was thinking of Pirates cove and Red Planet. I would need to know how the shipping and code thing would work though. Thanks.
At the google site, you can use coupon code "game5" on your second and subsequent purchases. Entering the game5 coupon will take $5.00 off the final price at checkout.
ok, great. Thanks. so basically shipping is applied each time, but 5 dollars off each subsequent order to offset it. Makes sense now. I was confused a bit with how the Amazon site worked compared to the google. Thanks.
At Amazon, free shipping is always included as long as you have at least $25 in your basket. When you have $50 in your basket, you can apply coupon code savealot to take another $3.50 off.
Hi, thanks - yes the system allows you to enter the code on the first purchase - but I then invoice it or cancel the order.
Just to repeat: the game5 coupon code is only to be used on second and subsequent orders at Google as it reflects a combined shipping discount. Don't use it on your first order, even though the system will allow you to enter it.
Geez, I thought the kid game would be a shoo in :).
I guess I'll request anything else that looks kid like on my wish list on BGG (and a couple of games I asked for, but may have missed, and I know a couple of these may be a stretch)...
Struggle of Empires R-Eco Giro Galoppo Hystericoach Pandemic (not out yet?) Mag Blast 3rd Edition Escalation Pickomino Qwirkle
I really thought all the comments about "Mother" the boardgame on tanga was some kind of Tanga secret code or joke; but no it's really up there right now. I'm laughing hysterically.
It's like quip it. Same price for the game as for the shipping.
Ok, so I got suckered into buying again this 'thon... under the premise of buying some Christmas gifts. As much as I've spent at the Google site so far, I might as well shoot for the $150 level, so here are some requests:
Shogun Mr. Jack Samurai Thebes Power Grid Fire & Axe ASL Starter Kit #1
I can't afford all of them, so if you were to be able to post a couple today, I'd be looking to pick them up.
Oh - and if it took a few weeks to ship my order to have it arrive toward the end of November or beginning of December, I wouldn't be disappointed at all. :)
Hmm. I'm tempted on that Twilight Imperium game. I just am not sure the family can last for a 3 to 6 hour game, even in multiple sittings. Looks more hardcore, but I'm still tempted.
Ok, I need like $5 to hit $150 (and I already have Loco & Pass the Pigs).
Any way I can get any of these (only need 1)...
Blue Moon Flit Blue Moon Pillar Count of Carcassonne Meuterrer Runebound: Avatars of Kelnov Runebound: Blade Dancer Deck Runebound: Relics of Legend Runebound: Shadow Walker Deck Runebound: Shadow of Margath (2nd edition) Runebound: The Dark Forest Runebound: The Scepter of Kyros Slapshot
yea, seems the google site is acting up for some people. I grabbed one of the Starcraft off the google site, so I am hoping it went through correctly. A few items are showing as extinct. Maybe that just means they have sold out? Anyway, I've spent my quota for this month on boardgames, and should be busy playing for a while.
Thank you Eric. I sent you a couple of requests to change the shipping address on the two games I ordered (via the Google site). Please let me know if that is a problem. Thanks!!!
Definetly enjoyed the Game-a-thon. Both my games from the last one arrived fast. I couldn't pass up the deal on Starcraft this time around. I don't think Fantasy Flight Games lets some of the bigger stores like Thoughthammer name their own prices, so as it to keep the stores competitive with the ones who cannot offer large discounts. Starcraft was a good deal for me here, plus I like buying from "local" game shop too, just to support them. I like both the Google and Amazon stores, however Google seems very very buggy on searching it's items. Maybe until Google can fix their glitches, you could offer the same items on the Amazon site.
Anyway, I too ended up buying more than I originally planned, and I need to swap shipping to a physical address, so as to make it cheaper and faster for Eric. I already sent an email with the new address change. If any issues come up, feel free to email. Till the next Game-a-thon.... ( monthly? )
And which site will this one be on?
I have taken a lot of the feedback - and come to the conclusion that I will run it concurrently on BOTH sites. Who needs sleep?
I have made some improvements to the gameotheday.com Game-A-Thon which I think addresses many of the concerns I heard. I will publish the information shortly.
Another Tangathon/GameAThon! Dang!
How we coming on those copies of 1960?
We are getting close, my distributor will probably get them in tomorrow.
One more question. Did the Goa plant over in China finally get all of the lead paint out of the final product so they can start shipping again?
Uh, no. And for some reason, neither did the "Tichu" plant. You would think it wouldn't take that long to reprint a pack of cards, but it's been OSM for 4 months now.
Eric, I know you said the Memoir '44 Desert/Winter pack has been OOS for awhile. Do you have any idea when it might be back in stock?
Rory, I'm sorry I don't know, and my distributor hasn't gotten any info from DoW on it either.
Dang. Any word on when the Air Pack might be in? I've heard rumblings of November.
Uh oh! The nail clippers are back...
Dang it... looks like I will need to break out the refurb tweezers next to keep up with Tanga. They are obviously playing hardball.
How about some of these:
Downfall of Pompeii
Elasund: The First City of Catan
Carolus Magnus
Mr. Jack
Commands & Colors: Ancients
Power Grid - Italy/France Map
Rory, I have heard that Air Pack should be coming in November as well, been asked for my preorder on it which is usually a good sign.
Time for the annual question....
If we have a game(s) that were purchased from the Google site that haven't shipped yet, can we use the "game5" coupon on the first order tonight on the Google site?
Also, can you use more than one (different) coupon on a single order?
You posted all my requests except for Carolus Magnus. Is that one available and coming up?
Ross - ouch! I'll be paying you to take games before too long... but for you, sure. Who else would buy the refurbished nail clippers?
How were they by the way? Sharp?
Yes, you should be able to see Carolus Magnus.
OK, got Carolus. That put me over $150. Will the $10 credit be applied automatically?
Any chance we could see any of these:
Fire and Axe
Winds of Plunder
Joan of Arc
Cowboys: The Way of the Gun
Hart an der Grenze
Age of Steam
Yea. The last one did not go well for me. Emergency out of town and did not get back until it was over. Everthing in my cart had gone bye bye. Great to see google back up and running. Thanks so much Eric for running both at the same time.
Steven - if you are "done" I can ship and charge and issue the $10 rebate. I can't issue it until I ship and charge at least one of the items, which I usually do at the end of the Game-A-Thon for combined shipping.
I'll add my usual request for Tsuro.
I notice that this 'thon has way fewer manicure kits than certain other ones. :-)
I can get Expansion 4 for AoS but not the base game...
Hart an der Grenze is still import only, not sure of schedule for US release but my distributor doesn't carry it directly.
Adam, I'm sorry... I'm working on it... Ross already bought all of the mystery packs of assorted tweezers and clippers so my stock is depleted...
No chance you meant 1856 instead of 1853, is there?
Hi, just a reminder to check
as well for great deals. Currently there are 10 games up ranging from oft-requested Zooloretto and Ticket to Ride: Switzerland map to newly released Khronos and popular titles like Blokus and Bang! Once your cart hits just $50, you can enter code "SAVEALOT" to save $3.50. You can enter this coupon multiple times so you should check out at $50, even if you may buy more games. Enjoy!
pretty quiet here
Would love to see lifeboats, also i emailed you a while back about unreceived orders and never recieved a response
I'm not sure I can buy it right now, but I'd like to get Antike. I tend to prefer the Google site, unless you can offer it cheaper at the other.
What email address did you use? I didn't see it in my eric.gameoftheday@gmail.com address. Sorry you are missing something, will check the old address and see what's up. Check your email for a response shortly.
My Zooloretto just came today, that I ordered on your last thon'. Perfect shape. It was in an Amazon box, and I've always wondered how Amazon did the actual shipping, packaging, account work, when a 3rd party is selling the item. How does that all work anyway? All the other items I've ordered off of Amazon from 3rd party sellers, they have always shipped the items from their own business/residence.
Hoping for another good 'thon, as I see Tanga selling socket plugs and nail trimmers again. I'd post a comment that there are some good games here that poeple were hunting, but I don't think they would last long on that site.
Jason, I've checked gameoftheday@cox.net and there wasn't an email from you there either... would you mind resending the email to my eric.gameoftheday@gmail.com address.
I watched Journeyman last night on my DVR. That is a great show, however it makes me have strange dreams. Last night I dreamt that it was 1960, and I was right in the middle of the Kennedy / Nixon presidential election. Weird, huh?
Jason - I found your email... you fooled me because you sent it before the mid September Game-A-Thon. You can use the game5 coupon on your first order.
David - WAY too subtle. Have no clue what you are asking for.
Any chance of getting Pitchcar and extensions?
I've heard the 1960 Nixon/JFK game is a streamlined and better implementation of all of Twilight Struggle's best characteristics. I hope it goes up for sale today!
Wanted to say that I LOVE the changes you implemeneted since the last thon. The 3.50 discount after 50 at the GOTD site solves a lot of the panic over rushing. I'm also very happy to see you back on google again. Thanks for taking all our suggestions so seriously. That said here's my wishlist hehe:
Ticket to Ride (Original)
Wicked Witch Ways
Bean Trader
Ark (Plus Expansions)
Gloom (Plus 2 two expansions)
Bull In a China Shop
Mr. Bill
Station Master
Long enough list for you? LOL
Ok, I got Thebes and held out too long on 80 days & Settlers, so here are my other requests...
Thurn & Taxis + Expansion
Struggle of Empires
Goa (I thought I saw above it wasn't available?)
Key Harvest (wishful thinking)
The World Cup Game
eric, Just to clarify, the coupon at $150 is still GAME5OCT , or is it just GAME5 ?
Plus, I assume the SAVEALOT is all caps.
I can't get Pitchcar through my distributor, something to work on as it (and Pitchcar mini and HIVE) are pretty frequent requests.
There is no GAME5OCT this time. There are two coupons, one at each site:
Game5 - for Google on 2nd and subsequent orders (combined shipping discount)
SAVEALOT - for Amazon checkouts when your total is over $50, saves $3.50. (Would add up to $10.50 over 3X$50 but you don't have to get all the way to $150 to cash in).
The $10 Rebate for $150 in purchases is for the Google site and is still a manual process that I do when you reach that total.
Mother of God, 1960: The Making of the President has arrived. May God have mercy on my wallet!
Eric, if I order it now, can you hold on shipping until the GameAThon is over, in case I get other games?
Ok, I forgot to mention - you might want to mention where you are going to shop when you make your request, to make sure I post to the right location...
I'm shopping on the Google site.
Eric, You can surprise me with which site you use if you post stuff from my wish list. Although I tend to re-load google more. It's a fun habit. LOL
Eric: Is there any way to use 2 coupons on Google for one order? I got another coupon to use, but it was after I had already bought Thebes last night, but Game5 will be worth more money off to me...
So now that they have announced that the tangathon will last from now until the internet melts, what does that mean here?
Bah! My wife has some crazy notion that I may be getting 1960 for Christmas (Two months away! Ahhhh the agony!). I can't risk buying it. I will have to limit my purchases to games that I have not mentioned to her previously.
This is traight of the Tanga boards. Can I just say that as much as I love GoTD can we not have 24/7 game-a-thons forever my wallet can't handle it. I'll be playing boardgames in the snow. I admit it...I HAVE NO WILL POWER. Once a month is good. I can handle once a month.
TangaJoe and the rest of the Tanga Elves are very busy trying to get ready for our launch of Tanga 2.0. It’s coming very soon and we are super excited about all the neat and fun changes we are making to the site. I think you will all be pleased…
One of the changes we are making, we wanted to do immediately. And that is that we are going to be offering our Tangathon model of selling all the time. No more one deal every 24 hours! We wanted to do this for a variety of reasons:
1) We really enjoy taking more of your money, more often
2) It will allow us to offer you a wider variety of products
3) It gives you more buying options when shopping at Tanga
4) We think it’s a heckuva lot more fun!
So starting today, we are going to be running the Tangathon into eternity and beyond. We may stop it at some point in the future to mix things up a bit with different ways of purchasing so stay glued to your computer monitor with one hand on the mouse and another hand on your wallet!
Now, because of this, we may leave some products up longer than others depending on availability, quantity, if we are snug in our beds, etc.
Let us know what you think!
Ryan, I'll take care of it
Oh my. No, we will not be doing that. If it's not really a Tangathon anymore, then we will bravely go to our own schedule... and I agree, once a month feels about right.
FYI - CJ - posted your wish list at
at least what I could fill.
Where was that post? In the Tanga Blog?
Eric, Thanks for fillng my part of the wishlist. You sure you don't have a tiny little Ark expanision lying around while I'm buying the base game? I just wanna triple check! LOL
I saw it at that 3rd game site you have once I think. Hehehe I'm such a pain I know!
Also when are you planning on ending this Game-a-thon seeing as you're no longer on a tanga schedule?
Thanks again!
Hmm. Well I think it's a mistake. How do you make it an "event" if it's the same all the time?
CJ - on the way
Any chance of getting Tumblin Dice?
Oooh yeah this whole Tanga thing is gonna get beyond sad. A laser pointer? I think I'm gonna have to cancel my text alerts before these crap items kill my cell bill. LOL
Anyway as for something on topic. Thanks for posting some of the stuff on my wishlist Eric. I checked out with the "savealot" coupon and everything worked great.
2 more for possible wish list posting.
Camelot Legends
Glory To Rome
I so need to back away from the computer...like NOW. LOL
Did you see my request for Antike earlier? I tend to prefer the Google site, but I'd like to see TTR:Switzerland there also.
On gameotheday.com, can you put new items on a different tab (like last 'thon) so it's easier to see what's new?
Hank - can't get Tumblin-Dice. How about Dancing Dice instead?
(Tongue in cheek)
Sort of.
CJ - fantastic, glad everything worked well. I do post the newest items into the "Games of the Day" tab at GameoTheDay.com now.
I did see the request for Antike. TTR: Switzerland is running out of time at Amazon, will get Antike up asap for you.
What's the whole controversy about Mayfair games? 20% cap? I don't understand..sorry if it's a stupid question.. but you are great at explaining stuff.
CJ - Yes - I'll try to give a short but complete version. A recent Supreme Court ruling have producers greater ability to control consumer pricing. The former interpretation of the Sherman Anti-Trust act of 1911 was that setting pricing maintenance agreements was grounds for action "per se" - meaning that there was no need to demonstrate whether such pricing maintenance agreements helped or hindered competition. The most recent ruling overturns the 96-year-old practice and states that the new test is the "rule of reason" - meaning, in essence, that a substantially higher burden of proof of negative impact to competition has to be shown.
Because of this, producers now are more protected in controlling distribution of their products by allowing distributors and retailers to resale their products at no less than their minimum price points. Mayfair, as a strong advocate of FLGS, has wanted to implement this model for some time to level the playing field between internet retailers and FLGS, who have much higher fixed costs and have to charge higher prices to account for it.
What Mayfair is telling its distributors is that distributors who violate their pricing could be subject to sanctions or not allowed to purchase from them. They will also apply pressure to distributors to ensure the retailers they sale to maintain the minimum pricing that Mayfair sets, and if retailers violate that, Mayfair may cut off the distributor that sells to that retailer.
You can read a lot of widely different opinions on this at BGG - I've posted a few on the topic myself. Some people think the only group to benefit from this is retailers, but I don't agree that it's a benefit to ALL retailers - just specific retailers who have an entrenched presence. It raises the barrier to entry because retailers entering the market can't compete on price.
From what I make of it, the supreme court overturned the 1911 antitrust law (or parts of it at least). Mayfair now has the right to limit the amount of discounts that retailers can offer on there products. Other game companies have done this for years (Games Workshop). The bottom line is that now online and FLGS should be closer in price. Thats about it.
ummmmmmmm I guess Eric beat me to it.
well, sort of - you used a lot less words but still conveyed the gist of it well!
Ya know, I really don't think that what Mayfair decided to do is such a bad thing. They just set themselves up as the one 'who cares' about the B&M store. I think anybody who follows suit will just be considered a copycat. And since mayfair has always charged more for there games, I don't think we will take a big hit in the pocketbook. Just a thought.
Wow thanks for the explanations by both of you. I guess I missed a big event in the gaming worlld on this one. This really is huge for all internet marketing. Now I'm wondering should I rush to but the Mayfair games like Elixir, Mr. Bill, and Bad Babiez that you don't have in stock Eric? %36 to 20% basically?
I meant BUY in my above post not but. Sorry about that!
I hope that coloretto on Google wasn't a request (if so, sorry about that).
if you do, check out cardhaus. Last i checked that Mr. Bill for $4.
No, it wasn't a request, I think you're safe from getting a lot of hate mail for that one.
Thanks. Mr. Bill is $4.00 at cardhaus but the shipping is $8.50 so I think I'll just go with boards and Bits which has 3 or 4 other Mayfair games I want that Eric is out of. Though I'm wating til Tommorrow night to see if Eric puts somethinng up that I decide I can't live without. I need a money tree!
You and me both. Maybe Tanga will sell a chia money tree soon.
Wowza! All kinds of games on the Google site. Dang!
Just a question, but did anybody else happen to get the Mr. Bill, Moby Pick combo from Tanga?
Yes, I did.
Wowzers, there are currently 10 games posted that I want.
I got the first one with Tuchulcha, Abracabra and Farfalia. The kids justed loved the card games. I am hoping that Mr. Bill and Moby Pict are just as good. Have no hope for the mystery game though.
Anyone who doesn't own Twilight Struggle yet should pick it up ASAP. I cannot more highly recommend a game than that one!
If anybody cares, Pozy has 24 bounce back paddle balls for $16+shipping. (Love to get these for other peoples kids).
I really want TS, but I just know that the missus has either gotten TS or 1960 for me for Christmas already.
Now would be a good time for Tanga to re-cycle Mayfair bundles since they've recycled everything else and I'm bored. I really wanna buy Arkadia and Through the Desert right now but I have a feeling they've already been picked up for me. Ah the temptation.
Thanks! I was able to get Antike and TTR:Switzerland for a great total price. I also really appreciate your willingness to consider everyone's feedback and make changes accordingly. You certainly offer great customer service.
Sadly, I will not be buying any more games for myself until after the first of the year, as both my birthday and Christmas are quickly approaching. On second thought, maybe that's a good thing...
CJ: If you buy Arkadia and it turns out someone already bought it for you, then I would gladly be a good friend and take it off your hands :-P
You don't happen to have Mille Bornes at a cheap price, do you? It's a childhood game I feel like getting :-D assuming it's not too expensive
You're really trying to kill me with the temptation aren't you?
I'm gonna go pick up the camelot game and I just thought I'd triple check and see if you have any copies of Elixier lying around? LOL
CJ- as luck would have it, I have both Mr. Bill and Elixir. Check em at GameOtheDay, they'll be there shortly.
Someone should be interested in that copy of Fragile. Very nice components from Pro Ludo.
Sorry I didn't respond -- I've been off at a conference -- no, I meant 1853, set in India. Looks really interesting, but no one has it. It was a dream, and I assumed you didn't have access to any copies. But in case you did...
I'm on the Google site, by the way.
Any chance of any more copies of 1960 coming back up?
I'm trying to Buy Camelot on The Google Site and it lets me hit the buy button but then the button to finalize isn't working. Did the Google site go down? If So, can someone hold a copy of Camelot for me or put it on GoTD?
By the way I snagged the copy of Fragile. I'd been looking at it for months. I'm horrible.
Whoops disregard the comment about the google checkout problem. I cleared my history and it fixed itself. My bad!
You might want to double check your description for the Alhamba Dice Game.
I have received all of my games from the last thon! Very fast, thank you! With the changes you've made (the $3.50 coupon for $50), I love both the Google and Game Of The Day methods of purchasing games. The only thing that could improve it would be to allow us to "add" the totals together somehow for our discounts (but that would probably not be very easy). Thanks again!
Some game prices have expired (Jambo, TtR:S, for example).
Any chance for the following?
Elk Fest
Die Kutschfahrt zur Teufelsburg
Kupferkessel Co.
Counting ZZZ's
Factory Fun
Thanks for taking requests by the way.
Any chance for the following on the Google site?
Elk Fest
Die Kutschfahrt zur Teufelsburg
Kupferkessel Co.
Counting ZZZ's
Factory Fun
Thanks for taking requests by the way.
Got some of those requests coming up...
So, I haven't requested anything this time around because of the bad luck I had last time (I ask, you give, I no buy). But, it would be nice if you had a copy or two of Vikings, Ruse & Bruise and Ponte del Diavolo lying around so you could throw them up on the google site.
Thank you. And you have 2 on google (tempus & alturien) that say they are disabled.
1960 back up at Google.
I'm thinking of grabbing Empire Builder. Is it the same game that is listed on boardgamegeek, made in 1980? From the reviews, it looks fun. I see some 7 year old reviews though, as some are dated 2000. I kinda like train games.
Yes, that's the one.
So any idea when the thon will be over?
This Thon will probably wrap up Monday night.
Any luck with Carc: the Castle?
No luck with the Castle. Still OSM.
Woo-hoo. i got the SDJ pack. Then I checked back, and realize I already have 6 of them from the past 10 years, and one of them I don't have because we didn't like it :). Unless 1997 counts, then there are 5 I don't have.
I sent a message to the Google store message system what I didn't have, and will take whatever I get I guess. Hee hee. My pals might be getting SDJ winners for Christmas if I get repeats :).
I knew if I checked first, it would be gone though.
Ryan, saw you scored that... I always make the effort not to repeat. But to clarify, the pack is for SdJ nominees, not necessarily the winners. There were some VERY good games that got robbed - overall the best game (in my humble opinion) has not won very often.
Good point. Crud. That leave alot of good games I'd agree with too :).
Oh well. If possible, check my list on BGG, I have my games always up to date.
Glad to know there are WAY more options then :) (although I do own all of them from this past year.). I feel much better than the extreme limit I thought I had set for you or me :).
Put it this way, I saw Mystery Pack and SDJ and jumped all over it. I think in my time watching this site, I've only seen a Mystery Pack once...
Yes, they don't last long.
Problem with Google? or is it just me
never mind. fixed
I missed a mystery pack? Sad sad day!
quiet, soooooooooooooo quiet.
I'm still here. Feeling the pain of my wallet but here! May I suggest the next game-a-thon be at the end of Nov. when we can blame it on Xmas? LOL
Could you maybe get Wicked Witch Ways some time soon Eric? Pretty please?
CJ - sorry about that... it was up on GameOtheDay earlier, though you were the one that snagged it. Will have to add it over here now.
I never thought I would say this, but I just don't know what else to buy.
Not know what else to buy? How is that possible?
I dunno. Its like writers block. I just can't think of anything. Any help????
Thanks Eric,
Picked up Wicked Witch Ways! I didn't see it on GoTD earlier but I was out for abour 6 hrs this afternoon. Dumb me. I left my computer. LOL
Patrel: I hear good things about through the desert been wanting it forever but I think someone got it for me. Arkadia, shadoes over camelot. I Guess it depends on what kind of gamer you are.
That where I am struggling. If you look at my profile on BGG, you will see what type of games I like. I just feel that everything is starting to feel the same and I would like to try something different. The only thing I can say for sure is that I don't want games with lots of toys (warcraft, decent, tide of iron AT in general). Want something that is good with two, but will scale if need be. Just can't come up with anything yet.
Patrel: Have you tried Jambo? Eric got me hooked on Jambo. I'll go look up your BGG profile. You can look up mine as well. CJHeart. I also like al the train games for scaling up or down. Justed picked up station master yesterday
Jambo just doesn't seem up my alley. I just don't get the fascination with train games. I just don't get it. And, I would like something I can play with my 9yo daughter.
You should list the games you own. Your secret santa is going to go nuts on what to get you. heh
Patrel: We have a lot of the same games. If you're looking for cool games to play with your 9 yr old I'd try Ark with the Expansion. How is Ruise and Bruise? I was thinking about getting that. I also love T & E the card game. Zooloretto, Australia is different for a family game. Shadows over Camelot is a new favorite of mine for cooperative play. Rum and Pirates... Bohanaza is my card game favorite.. so I picked up the board gane version..bean trader. Ysphan too is great.
Yeah Patrel: I need to list all the games I do have. I just got into Euro board games in like July but Eric and Tanga have seen me go crazy. Maybe tommorrow I'll go through my expanding collection. I do everything Pirate incase you haven't heard.
Also was lucky enough to get in on 50% clearance sales when 2 local game stores closed so it's been a very fast growing collection. LOL
I did sign up for BGG secret Santa. I can't wait. It's all exciting!
I am a big fan of Titan: The Arena. I would consider Ruse & Bruise a light version (really lite) of that. Faster play more luck, but a good game. I guess in the line of citadels. I just bought my own copy today. You have some interesting suggestions that I will have to look at. Is there a particular pirate game that you could recommend that is two player and for a 9yo (who regulaly kicks my butt at all things carcassonne).
Ruse and Bruise was up today? I must have missed it. Darn Darn.
Pillage and Plunder is a really great pirate card game that I think your daughter would love. At first the rule book looks daunting but it's easy once your into it and a great family game.
Pirates and Rum is very easy and my favorite but not sure how you'd feel about the theme with a 9 yr old.
Pirates Plunder is a great card pirate game too. It's rated 10 and up cause it invovles some math but that also makes it educational and at 9 your daughter should be able to handle it.
Also for Sale is a must.. I haven't met any kid or adult who doesn't like it.
I have a ton of pirate games I haven't even opened yet. But Cartenga is a lot of fun for a kid and adult combo too.. Just bought version 2 today so I can't comment on it yet.
Very well then. Eric, if you have a copt of cartagena to put up on google, I would be much obliged. Oh ya and turbo taxi if you got that.
You can try out "Cartagena" online to see if you like it at
Thanks for the link. I think I am going to have to pass on this one for now.
A couple of requests for the Google site:
No Thanks!
Nature of the Beast: City vs Suburb
If yu're putting up the Sole mio expansion to Mamma Mia on GoTD can you also put up the original Mamma Mia? I'd like too buy them together. Hopefully it'll be here when I'm back from house hunting.
Thanks for No Thanks and NotB. Any possibility for:
My distributor doesn't carry Meuterer and is OOS on Battleline. I sold out of it so will not be able to offer it this time.
Eric, sorry if this is posted somewhere else, but can you show me the link to where you explain how the game5 coupon works on the google site ? I read the new dueling thon' faq there, but it didn't really relay what the coupon did. Is it just a credit on shipping or something? I've yet to grab anything on the google site, but was thinking of Pirates cove and Red Planet. I would need to know how the shipping and code thing would work though.
At the google site, you can use coupon code "game5" on your second and subsequent purchases. Entering the game5 coupon will take $5.00 off the final price at checkout.
ok, great. Thanks. so basically shipping is applied each time, but 5 dollars off each subsequent order to offset it. Makes sense now. I was confused a bit with how the Amazon site worked compared to the google. Thanks.
At Amazon, free shipping is always included as long as you have at least $25 in your basket. When you have $50 in your basket, you can apply coupon code savealot to take another $3.50 off.
Is Game-a-thon ending tonight or Monday night? I'm sitting on the when to check on fence again. LOL Don't you just LOVE me?
Yes I do... it will end tomorrow night. :)
Eric, I sent you an email on your .gmail account, about an issue if you can help to explain or rectify it.
Hi, thanks - yes the system allows you to enter the code on the first purchase - but I then invoice it or cancel the order.
Just to repeat: the game5 coupon code is only to be used on second and subsequent orders at Google as it reflects a combined shipping discount. Don't use it on your first order, even though the system will allow you to enter it.
Cool deal. Got my 2 games for this week. I missed out on Pirate's Cove last week, even after asking for it. But grabbed it this time for the kiddies.
Any chance for Take Stock and Terra?
This is going to seem like a strange request...
Any chance for Gumball Rally?
Take Stock - yes... Terra... will probably be a special request from my distributor.
Gumball Rally is also OOS at my distributor.
Geez, I thought the kid game would be a shoo in :).
I guess I'll request anything else that looks kid like on my wish list on BGG (and a couple of games I asked for, but may have missed, and I know a couple of these may be a stretch)...
Struggle of Empires
Giro Galoppo
Pandemic (not out yet?)
Mag Blast 3rd Edition
How 'bout Alchemist?
On the Goggle site maybe some of these...
Street Soccer?
Congo Line?
Cape to Cairo?
I really thought all the comments about "Mother" the boardgame on tanga was some kind of Tanga secret code or joke; but no it's really up there right now. I'm laughing hysterically.
It's like quip it. Same price for the game as for the shipping.
Any chance of getting 10 Days in Asia back up on the Google site. I was ready to buy it on Saturday when my computer crashed. Thanks!
Ok, so I got suckered into buying again this 'thon... under the premise of buying some Christmas gifts. As much as I've spent at the Google site so far, I might as well shoot for the $150 level, so here are some requests:
Mr. Jack
Power Grid
Fire & Axe
ASL Starter Kit #1
I can't afford all of them, so if you were to be able to post a couple today, I'd be looking to pick them up.
Oh - and if it took a few weeks to ship my order to have it arrive toward the end of November or beginning of December, I wouldn't be disappointed at all. :)
let's see what we can do... :)
Ok - I snagged 2 of em, bro... I think that puts me over the $150 mark (please let me know if you calculate it differently). :)
Don't close me out, though - I'll keep an eye on the Google site for the rest of the day.
Everything posted before Mimic on the google site has expired.
Sometimes the way it searches doesn't update, sometimes expired items show up in the search.
Is there something that's expired you wanted to check on?
Nothing in particular. Just wanted to let you know, thats all.
I'd like to check on the expired Winds of Plunder...
Any word on Alchemist?
Alchemist is listed...
Will bring back Winds O' Plunder.
Alchemist Listing 
Thanks, Eric. Got Alchemist... looking for WoP.
Hmm. I'm tempted on that Twilight Imperium game. I just am not sure the family can last for a 3 to 6 hour game, even in multiple sittings. Looks more hardcore, but I'm still tempted.
Ok, I need like $5 to hit $150 (and I already have Loco & Pass the Pigs).
Any way I can get any of these (only need 1)...
Blue Moon Flit
Blue Moon Pillar
Count of Carcassonne
Runebound: Avatars of Kelnov
Runebound: Blade Dancer Deck
Runebound: Relics of Legend
Runebound: Shadow Walker Deck
Runebound: Shadow of Margath (2nd edition)
Runebound: The Dark Forest
Runebound: The Scepter of Kyros
I could also use one more game:
Blue Moon Pillar or Flit would be good.
everyone - please be patient a few moments... for some reason the latest items are not searchable yet.
You already have Starcraft? woooo. That may put me over $150
Where's Starcraft? Is that just a rumor? I haven't seen anything new listed for "a while".
I've had a couple new ones come up. Starcraft, Travel Triple Play and Sword of Rome 5th player expansion.
Hummm... still not seeing anything new. What's up?
Eric, before I add another game onto my list, can you check your gmail email address for some shipping issues ?
several items are having problems being "seen"... google goes through this every once in awhile.
The Flit
Power Grid
Return of the Heroes and Under the Shadow of the Dragon
I tried to click on Starcraft and I get an "inactive item" link.
yea, seems the google site is acting up for some people. I grabbed one of the Starcraft off the google site, so I am hoping it went through correctly. A few items are showing as extinct. Maybe that just means they have sold out? Anyway, I've spent my quota for this month on boardgames, and should be busy playing for a while.
What about Attribute, Eric? Is that a "seen" problem, or is it sold out?
Starcraft and Attribute expired, but I am reposting. But there are a couple issues currently with Google.
I did get your Starcraft order.
Rock&Roll . . . got it!
Thanks, Eric.
Looks like everything is back now.
Yup, saw Starcraft and jumped on it. Thanks!
Another Starcraft is up :) Someone better jump on it, lest it be back ordered for 2 months like Zooloretto was.
Thanks for a great Game-A-Thon! I hope you enjoyed it!
It was good, Eric... thanks for another opportunity to drop wads of cash and hide it from the wife.
Thank you Eric. I sent you a couple of requests to change the shipping address on the two games I ordered (via the Google site). Please let me know if that is a problem. Thanks!!!
Got 2 of my 3 GoTD orders today! Love that Amazon shipping. Gotta admit it is exciting to get everything at warp speed. LOL
Definetly enjoyed the Game-a-thon. Both my games from the last one arrived fast. I couldn't pass up the deal on Starcraft this time around.
I don't think Fantasy Flight Games lets some of the bigger stores like Thoughthammer name their own prices, so as it to keep the stores competitive with the ones who cannot offer large discounts. Starcraft was a good deal for me here, plus I like buying from "local" game shop too, just to support them.
I like both the Google and Amazon stores, however Google seems very very buggy on searching it's items. Maybe until Google can fix their glitches, you could offer the same items on the Amazon site.
Anyway, I too ended up buying more than I originally planned, and I need to swap shipping to a physical address, so as to make it cheaper and faster for Eric. I already sent an email with the new address change. If any issues come up, feel free to email. Till the next Game-a-thon.... ( monthly? )
New games for Tuesday pretty please?
Still no new games? Sadness.
I had fun Eric, but as usual, the wait will nearly kill me :).
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