Sunday, November 4, 2007

Nice fresh games up in both places!

And you can catch more of your favorites here:



patrel said...

Nice selection tonight.

CJ said...

I agree. Very Nice selection. I'm tempted to buy Celtica but BGG is down right now and I wanna read some reviews first. Hopefully someone doesn't beat me to it in the morning. We'll see. Temptation everynight. But still it's so much fun. Oh hey can I use comboship3 since none of my game-a-thon orders have shipped yet?

patrel said...

BGG is back up. You just cant refresh back to it. Have to reload from favorites.

CJ said...

I looked up Celtica and am gonna pass until my wallet is a lil more recovered from the last Thon. So, whoever buys it off of Google I promise not to hunt you down. LOL

CJ said...

I was just checking to make sure everything was okay with my Google order from the Last Thon? I see they haven't even shipped yet? Just making sure everything is okay as I got charged 16.99 today but that's it and I haven't ored anything off Google since the Thon.

GameoftheDay said...

Fulfillment orders have been placed for all orders from the last Game-A-Thon. Sometimes the shipping information is slow to update.

CJ said...

Eric I just wanted to say GREAT price on Domaine for last night/today. I even posted it on BGG as a Hot Deal and apparently it sold out.

ompared to TH it was 9 dollars less BEFORE the free shipping. And at least 3 bucks less before the free shipping from the cheapest price I could find it at anywhere else. So a min. of 11 dollars less then anywhere else and with the Mayfair issues I jumped on it.


GameoftheDay said...

Hi CJ - that one was a little too good, it was a boo-boo. Oh well.

Hopefully Bob Carty doesn't place a call to my distributor.

CJ said...

Eric, I wouldn't want you to get in trouble; but my wallet is still doing a little bit of a happy dance and so am I. LOL


Twigleaf said...

Eric. got a little hiccup that needs worked out. I sent the info in an email.

CJ said...

Are we gettig a new Blog tonight? It's weird to ot have a new blog everyday. I'm so spoiled. LOL!

GooseGreenwood said...

CJ, I think you're more addicted than I am!

CJ said...

Rory. I am addicted. It's this whole Tanga thon thing I need my GoTD stuff to look forward too.

By the way is anyone else having trouble seeing stuff on the Google tonight? Sometimes 5 old games pop up and sometimes nothing. Very strange.

GameoftheDay said...

New Blog entry on the way!