Thursday, November 1, 2007

Non-STUs! You can get TtR Bundle here same Price!

I have to admit, I'm irritated that the second I post to the non-STUs they could get it here for the same price, it's edited out of Tanga's blog. If someone posts a deal on here that's as good or better than what I've offered I will NOT edit it out. Also, it would be different if they were allowing EVERYONE to buy it, but they're not.


GameoftheDay said...

Okay, I just think it's bad form to edit user posts on the blog if they don't coincide with what you want people to know. I don't believe other deal of the day sites do that, like Woot. Lots of people posting on whether something is cheaper somewhere else, etc. If you have to edit your blog, something's fishy.

(Dismounts soap box).

patrel said...

I thank you for the TtR bundle.

GameoftheDay said...

You are welcome! Sorry, just get irritated when they prohibit people from buying and then edit or delete posts they don't like.

patrel said...

Plenty of follow ups now.

CJ said...

Are you just posting on Google tonight or GoTD too?

Thanks in advance!

Unknown said...

I will post in both places.

Yollege said...

I agree with you here Eric. Editing the posts is dumb anyway, though I could maybe understand it if it's available to EVERYBODY, but when you want to prohibit people from buying, why prohibit people from sharing where else to get it...

GameoftheDay said...

Exactly. Only reason is because they want to offer the same bundle for MORE money to non-STUs.

They have probably taken more heat for their STU-only offers than anything. If I were in their shoes, I would make the STU-only offers private. Non-STUs would still be motivated to reach STU status, so they could find out what the great private deals, but it wouldn't get rubbed in their faces all the time.

CJ said...

I totally agree on making the STU thing private. I need TTR original as I gave mine away to someone as a going away present; and I have all the other stuff or else I'd be pissed. It's getting to the point where it's hard to get Tanga points because you can get the good stuff for the same prices on other sites (Like this one) at the same or better prices unless you are planning on buying 2 or 3 of the same item. Unfortunately for me most of my gaming friends already have the Tanga games.

GameoftheDay said...

That's the other thing that is troubling... how long ago did they say they would start doing combined shipping? At least 6 weeks, I think, and yet as far as I know, it still hasn't happened. Oh well.

Twigleaf said...

Their whole STU system is a bunch of balogna, and just makes me wish I had never put a dime into Tanga products. After a lot of people bought 30 weather DVDs for $1.99 with minimal shipping fees, they get the bonuses, and STU status. But the people who buy the $30 to $50 products, have to put in a few hundred dollars to get the same. I spent a good deal of money on their items, then they throw up deals that only a few get. Please please don't put up any kind of system like that here.

GameoftheDay said...

I was corrected by Jeremy that Woot DOES edit their blog, that they monitor it 24X7 to remove references to other sites where the item may be cheaper or has been sold for less previously. Odd because I could have sworn seeing many references to other sites and/or commentary on the relative price competitiveness of each Woot.

CJ said...

Were you ever able to order Fred the game? I'm just wondering if any of your distributors were able to get it? Thanks in advance!

GameoftheDay said...

CJ - yes I was able to order it.

CJ said...

No new games again tonight? I think Eric is out partyin' for the weekend. LOL

patrel said...

Do you ever sleep?????