Wednesday, December 5, 2007

New for the Season! Fast Shipping, FREE!

For the next few weeks, we will be utilizing a new approach - all orders will be executed with our fulfillment center immediately to ensure you receive your games before the holidays! And as our special gift to you, EVERYTHING will ship FREE!

There is no need to wait for a "Gameathon" or to combine orders. When you see what you want, buy it and it will ship out from our fulfillment center, in most cases the next day. More games are up for your buying and gift-giving enjoyment!


GameoftheDay said...

Let me know what you think!

CJ said...

Woah.... this is more then generous Eric. I think I'm getting teary eyed. LOL

Any chance of getting more Poision in? It's a very popular gift request around my neck of the woods. And any word on the Zooloretto expansion?

GameoftheDay said...

Yes, there is word on the Zooloretto Expansion. My distributor is supposed to be shipping me some tomorrow. So I should have it available by early next week!

CJ said...

Yeah Zooloretto expansion! Excited now.

Thanks for putting up the last Poison copy. Just picked it up!

Now I am just waiting on Felix the cat.

Oh by the way I think it's so funny that you keep beating Tanga to the new games. First Cuba, then La Citta, and today Key Harvest.

You go Eric!

GameoftheDay said...

My distributor is also shipping me Felix tomorrow. :)

Matt said...


Any way we can preorder the Zooloretto expansion? I really do not want to miss that one.

Unknown said...

Darn it! I just ordered Race for the Galaxy yesterday along with some stupidly high shipping from Boards and Bits because it's out of stock everywhere.

Bah! Maybe I'll see if I can cancel that order...

CJ said...

Whoohoo Felix is coming too! I'll be keepin a eye out for the Zooloretto expansion. Hopefully it'll be up before I leave to leave for Phily on the 13th! Yeehaw!

Unknown said...

Nice deal, Eric! Good news about the Zooloretto Expansion, looking forward to it.

GameoftheDay said...

I hope you're enjoying the promotion so far...

CJ said...

Any chance you could get in a copy of Grave Diggers?

GameoftheDay said...

Yes, I can do that. It may be a little bit though.

CJ said...

No rush Eric. I can wait. I'm here everyday. Hehehe

FooDawg said...

Need powergrid Eric lol. You've done it all for me so far (GREAT wargame bundle btw) and now I need that Powergrid plus expansions we tried for almost a year ago, lol. What can ya do for me? :)

FooDawg said...

AND Last Night On Earth. I need a Zombie fix and my fiancee is a Zombie junkie. Id love you forever Eric. Really, I already do, but I'd love you even more lol. So YAY for LNOE. :D

GameoftheDay said...

Last Night on Earth. Sigh. My distributor shipped me 8 and they were gone in 35 minutes as soon as they were scanned into my fulfillment center.

Power Grid looks like early next year, sad to say.

FooDawg said...

Man, thats a bummer totally. But its all good I guess, save me some money lol. I have plenty of games after the gameathon to learn and play. Ill think of something else to ask for at some point im sure. haha

Matt said...


I see several online retailers are listing the Zooloretto Expansions as In Stock. Have you received any yet? (Also, I have received all of my items from the previous Game-A-Thon except for my Power Grid Power Plant 2 Deck. Any idea when that will ship?)


GameoftheDay said...

Matt - I have Zooloretto Expansion, Felix the Cat, and Carcassonne: Abbey and Mayor at the fulfillment center in the "receiving" process... you can look for these to be offered in the next day or two!

Power plant deck 2 - I have 2 lost somewhere in the bowels of the fulfillment center, one for you and one for Ryan.

Cathy, your Guillotine is similarly "somewhere" at the fulfillment center... I'm working them over, hopefully will get some resolution shortly.

Matt said...

Thanks for the update Eric.

Unknown said...


You can stop looking for my Guillotine... it showed up yesterday!


CJ said...

Were Manhattan and Balloon cup part of one of my mystery bundles? Because one game showed up today and one yesterday and I know I didn't order them. Great games by the way!

Matt said...

Nice mystery games!

GameoftheDay said...

Hi CJ - yes, they were part of the SdJ basket I believe. Cathy - glad to hear it arrived. Sorry it took so long!

Matt said...


I don't suppose you have any copies of Zooloretto (not the expansion) lying around do you? I have a friend who needs a copy. Thanks!

CJ said...

No new games for tonight? I leave for vactaion on Thursday Eric.. don't make me sad. LOL

FooDawg said...

where you going CJ?

GameoftheDay said...

hey Matt - I have one copy of Zooloretto hanging around, but it's not at my fulfillment center and I'd have to add shipping to that one. If you want, send me an email at to work out the details.

Matt said...


My friend was able to find a copy this morning. Thanks a ton for looking!


Anonymous said...

Hmm, is this thing on? I like the idea of this promotion of course, but it has been the same games on the page for a couple of days, and those have all expired. So, those speedy fulfillment elves must be on an egg nog bender of some sort... :)

GameoftheDay said...

yes, it is on... it has been crazy as you can imagine!

fresh games will be up shortly.

FooDawg said...

Thanks for Feudo Eric, I needed to grab a copy for a friend.

CJ said...

Any idea how much the Zooloretto expansion may be?

GameoftheDay said...

Yes, Zooloretto expansion pack will be $6.99 with free shipping.

Matt said...

Sign me up for a Zooloretto expansion please!!

CJ said...

Yay for the Zooloretto expansion! I wish it would go up tonight. Haha

John Weldy said...

ANy chance for PitchCar (and/or Mini) or Ingenious Travel version?

Matt said...

Have we missed the Zooloretto Expansions yet? (Sorry to keep asking, just getting ready to leave for vacation and I was hoping to order one before I leave). Thanks!

GameoftheDay said...

Matt - you can order but due to a boo boo (my distributor shipped them to me instead of my fulfillment center), I can't say they'll be delivered before Christmas.

I will go ahead and post the listing for Felix and Zooloretto but please do understand that my fulfillment center hasn't received them yet.

Matt said...

Are you going to post them on the Google site? (I'm not in a hurry to get the expansion, just in a hurry to order it). Thanks yet again!

FooDawg said...

So do you give bday presents with purchases? Todays my bday and I made a purchase. Do you love me Eric? :D

CJ said...

Have you posted the Zooloretto expansion and Felix yet? I don't want to miss them it's 3:41 pm on the 17th.

GameoftheDay said...

They'll be posted tonight, along with Abbey and Mayor.

Foodawg - happy birthday! I've been meaning to send you something, next time you order something I fulfill from GotD worldwide headquarters, I'll try to remember to include it. See, now you get the suspense factor too.


patrel said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
patrel said...

Eric, if you are still taking requests, If you have a copy of Mystery of the Abbey lying around, that would be great.

FooDawg said...

Thanks Eric. I was just playing, but thats super cool of you. OOoooooooo suspense.

Matt said...

Congrats BigRob, looks like you won one of the Memoir '44 Air packs from Days of Wonder!

GameoftheDay said...

Wow - cool - thanks Matt, I hadn't had time to check...

That was an educational experience... I was googling and wiki-ing like a mad man and learned a lot about the Japan-China war that raged for years before Germany's invasions of Poland and France. Really some incredible stories from that era.

CJ said...

Thanks for Felix and the Zooloretto expansion picked up both! No for Gravediggers. LOL

Matt said...


My friend's deal for Zooloretto fell through. Is there any chance you still have a copy? They were really hoping to give it as a Christmas gift, I am willing to pay for an upgrade to Priority Shipping if at all possible. Thanks (I obviously need to know really soon, but even more so as I am leaving for vacation at 1:30pm EST today.)

Matt said...


Looks like I have to leave earlier than expected. Thanks anyway (sorry for the fire alarm).

CJ said...

No new games last night either? Sad sad

GameoftheDay said...

I guess Matt went somewhere that he can't be reached... I do have a copy of Zooloretto and could direct ship to his friend. Maybe he'll see this.

GameoftheDay said...

Sorry for the lack of updates. I have been a busy little bee.

CJ said...

No new games again Eric? Did Santa kidnap you?

GameoftheDay said...

CJ- that long awaited shipment is starting to get received into inventory, so there is still a chance I could get pillars to your ss b4 xmas... let's keep our fingers crossed!


GameoftheDay said...

Ho Ho Ho... good one CJ.

very very busy... sorry for neglecting to update lately...

Bad Eric...

Unknown said...

Any "Watch Your Back" to throw in with "Burning Drachens"?

John Weldy said...

When does the free shipping deal end? Would like to see some more games before then. How about Race for the Galaxy?

CJ said...

Eric seems to be completely M.I.A.

FooDawg said...

Its Christmas. Give the man a break lol. We all are going through crazy times :)

Unknown said...

Ask and thou shalt receive. I'm kicking myself for not picking up Burning Drachens. Thought I might see them both at once. Silly me. Thank you though for putting up Watch Your Back. You are awesome, where is the tip jar? I did make sure I grabbed this one.

Kevin said...

Does the Nature of the Beast game come with both the city vs. suburb and farm vs. forest decks? It's titled as just the city vs. suburb, but in the description, it mentions that there are two decks and it sounds like one is farm vs. forest. I'm confused.

Anonymous said...

I hate to say it, but it looks like Game of the Day is becoming more like Game of the Week or Game of the Month. The crickets in here are deafening.

Yollege said...

It's just after Christmas. Eric is probably rolled up in the fetal position crying "No new games. No new games..."

And NOW I need to get my hands on a PG deck that I waited all month for :). Darn fulfillment center seems to have lost them.

Can't wait for the Zooloretto expansions to show up though...

GameoftheDay said...

Again, I apologize for actually taking a couple of days off there...

(sounds of intensive flogging are heard in the background)...

The time for fast free shipping is drawing to a close, so I will try to put up a few last items that I may have in stock, will entertain your requests as well.

First request I hear is for Burning Drachens to go back up.

Also, seems there was some confusion around the City V Suburbs and Farm V Forest. They are separate decks and what was listed was for the specific set mentioned.

FooDawg said...

Well how was your Christmas Eric??? Get anything good? My fiancee Nicole and I wish you all a great New Year as well. Looking forward to when things slow down, im sure you are too huh Eric lol.

John Weldy said...

Race for the Galaxy!

GameoftheDay said...

I had a very nice Christmas, but I have to say that with all the stuff I was doing with Amazon and my other full time job, I was working almost literally around the clock. So yes, a little break will be nice.

I won't have Race for the Galaxy before the free shipping promo runs out, unfortunately. :(

CJ said...

How about Grave Diggers, King of Siam, Dawn Under, or Age of Piracy?

CJ said...

Oooh and Afica! Sorry forgot that one!

GameoftheDay said...

Good news, Felix, Zooloretto and Carcassonne: Abbey and Mayor have finally been accounted for at the Fulfillment Center. Orders are shipping out!

FooDawg said...

Well we are all glad your good to go Eric and everything is alright and you were just taking a break. You do a good job around here in my eyes even if the people who bash you dont wanna show their true face and post anon. Thats my $.02

CJ said...

Any sneak peek on what games might be up tonight?

CJ said...

New games Eric please. Tanga puzzles are over!

CJ said...

What happened to new games before the end of the Year? ::sob:: 2 hrs left!

CJ said...

What happened to getting motre games up by the end of the year? You disappeared again Eric. So sad

John Weldy said...

cj, don't complain. Just vote with your dollars if you're upset.

CJ said...

I did vote with my dollars John. A lot of dollars. Just wondering if Eric was gonna put more games up before the end of free shipping like he said previously is all.

GameoftheDay said...

Actually, I thought "Anonymous" crickets comment was kind of funny.

Anyway... I'm sorry for the lack of updates. The volumes at my other sites were at least tenfold what they had been prior to Thanksgiving and it demanded all my time and attention. I know you've been neglected and I apologize!

Google did extend their window on Google base until the end of February, so I will probably host another 'thon or two on the Google site.

Thank you for your patience and I look forward to a fantastic 2008!

Matt said...

Whoo hoo! Love those thon's! (Well I do, not so sure about my wife though!)