hi eric, I just bought a couple of items, and tried to use the game5 discount for my second game but it came up as invalid. Can you fix that for me? thanks.
I have a amazon gift certificate I need to use up.. Do you think you could put Big Kahuna, Hera & Zues & Maybe Gone Fishing up at your Amazon site this weekend prett please!
Can we get new games tonight pretty please?
Yes please! I'm having a weak moment and would be happy with any of the following:
C&C Ancients (plus expansions)
Arkham Horror (plus Dunwich)
Power Grid Map Expansions
And could you make them available on the site that lets me use Amazon.com to pay? I have a $25 Gift Certificate I am looking to use!
Apparently not.....
Do I dare ask if you'll be getting Pandemic in anytime soon?
Yes, I have Pandemic on pre-order with my distributor.
Rory, I will be putting up your requests at gameotheday.com for you.
Thanks for your patience!
I'm eager for Pandemic, too! :) Please let me know when it comes in.
Pandemic - as requested. Enjoy!
Awesome price on Pandemic, thanks Eric! I can't wait for this one to get here. :-)
Pandemic looks pretty cool so I'm in for one. That game is right up my alley. Eric, is it available for immediate shipment?
Thanks Eric! Great price too.
Hi - Pandemic is en route to the Lexington fulfillment center and should ship out this week, barring any unforeseen delays in inventory receipt.
hi eric, I just bought a couple of items, and tried to use the game5 discount for my second game but it came up as invalid. Can you fix that for me? thanks.
The game5 discount only applies during a Game-A-Thon. Other times you can use "comboship3" to get $3 off of additional items.
woooo! that... game... roooooooooooooccckkksssssssssss!!!!
Hi, I'll apply the comboship3 coupon for you on your second order.
Must... resist... Pandemic...
I don't suppose you would have any copies of TI3: Shattered Empires for a good price? Because if you did that may make my week.
Pandemic is shipping out!
Phew! Resistance successful. I guess time will tell whether that was stupid.
Really good games up there right now...too bad I already own all of them.
Don't start a Thon this weekend, I'm going to be at a gaming con :).
Eric, do you happen to have the tracking number for my Pandemic order? The email saying that it shipped didn't come with anything.
I have a amazon gift certificate I need to use up.. Do you think you could put Big Kahuna, Hera & Zues & Maybe Gone Fishing up at your Amazon site this weekend prett please!
CJ - your wish, as always, is my command...
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