It has been awhile since we last held a Game-A-Thon. We wanted to make sure we had plenty of stock of great games for your buying amusement. This should be a very entertaining Thon!
Some things will be similar to other Game-A-Thons, and a couple of things will be different. Like prior Game-A-Thons, there will be a code - game5 - that you can use for $5 off shipping AFTER your first purchase. NOT on your first purchase. We will review orders and will take care of you if you forget to enter the code, but it will help us if you do enter it for your 2nd and subsequent purchases.
There will also be awards for finishing first, second and third in this Game-A-Thon. First will win a gift card at for 10% of the the first place finisher's purchases. Second will win a gift card for 8% of their purchases, and third will win a gift card for 6% of their purchases.
Also, requests will be taken!
Good luck and Happy Hunting!
One more thing... first to buy an item gets an additional $2.00 off!
PS... you can all thank Steven for this one... everyone spending $100 or more during this Game-A-Thon will also receive, absolutely free, a bonus mystery game, the value of which will be correlated to the amount over $100.
Hopefully this one turns out a little better for you than the last. The listing looks good this time around, although the prices are a little confusing. On the list it says "$39.99 plus $8.00 shipping!" for Conquest of the empire, with a price of $47.99. Makes sense. When you click on the item, though, it says "$47.99 plus tax and shipping". I'm assuming that's actually $47.99 with shipping and tax. Just wanted to point out a possible area of confusion for customers.
If I didn't already own Conquest of the Empire, though, I'd be all over this. Love that game!
Yes, that is correct, unfortunately, some time ago, Google went from allowing merchants to separately list shipping to forcing it to be included in the item price. However, they did not update the checkout wording about tax and shipping.
Nice to see you back :)
How about some Rail or Train games :)
Is there still a $10 rebate for hitting a certain total?
Stone Age
Can't Stop
Galaxy Trucker
2nd that request for STONE AGE.
good to be back!
Muchkin 5 & 6
Pillars of the Earth 5-6 expansion
Ticket to Ride card game
Other request...
Taj Mahal
I forgot to add:
Glory to Rome
to my request list.
First buy winners - you should see a $2.00 refund on your purchases now. Congratulations!
The bonuses offered are:
first place: 10% of all purchases as a gift coupon to
second place: 8% of all purchases as a gift coupon to
third place: 6% of all purchases as a gift coupon to
To help, I will post a "leaderboard" of the top five.
What about the $10 refund for spending X amount of money?
Steven - no, I don't have that particular incentive going on this Game-A-Thon. However, I think I will put something else in...
Everyone hitting $100 or more will also receive a bonus mystery game for free, including shipping.
Also, the value of the mystery game will be correlated to the value over $100 (for those wondering if they get 2 games at $200, etc.)
Do orders automatically get held while the Game-a-thon is going on? I bought RRT but would still like to see what else is coming before "completing my order."
Any chance on Race For The Galaxy?
Yes, combined shipping is assumed for all orders throughout the Game-A-Thon. Rory - unfortunately, I don't have Race for the Galaxy back yet.
I see Stone Age is up, but there is no purchase option. Is it sold out?
Any possibility of getting ETI: Estimated Time to Invasion? Thanks.
Stone Age came and went quickly... sorry...
Thanks for Incan Gold! Buddy of mine has been wanting this for awhile.
Eric, can you clarify how shipping works for the games purchased during the thon? I know that when I purchase the first game I pay full shipping. For all my additional purchases do I then get $5 off EACH of the shipping charges for those other items? Thanks
Kent - yes, you do. You enter coupon code "game5" when checking out and it will take $5.00 off for each subsequent order you place.
You're welcome for Incan Gold!
Gloria Mundi
Guatemala Cafe
Key Harvest
Really really want Guatemala Cafe and Key Harvest.
Reef Encounter
Trans America and Trans Europe
American MegaFauna
Any of these pretty please? So happy to see you back!!
Did I really miss Stone Age?? Gonna cry now!!
How long is this 'thon' expected to go on? 1 day? multiple days? Any hint of games we may see?
Damn! Been waiting for Stone Age and now I've missed it! Would have bought it too.
any more games coming tonight or are they on hold until tomorrow?
Request for Container.
I would LOVE to see Brass go up. Thanks!
How does the Google store and the Amazon store interact? Can I pay for these items through Amazon? I ask because I have coupons for Amazon that will allow me to keep buying more. My wallet is already screaming and my fiancee will be shortly.
I think this Google store and the amazon stores that this seller have set up are independent of each other.
- Thanks for doing this again, Eric! Here's my updated request list:
- Through the Ages
- Agricola
- Hannibal
- Race for the Galaxy
- Brass
- StarCraft: The Board Game
- Tribune: Primus Inter Pares
- Struggle of Empires
- Clash for a Continent: Battles of the American Revolution and French & Indian War
- Federation Commander: Klingon Border
- In the Year of the Dragon
- Blackbeard
- Stone Age
- Kingsburg
- Attack Vector: Tactical
- Fire and Axe: A Viking Saga
- Factory Fun
- League of Six
- National Geographic Expedition
- Neuland
- Innsmouth Escape
Let me give a little status on some of the requests:
Brass - preorder
Agricola - preorder
Through the Ages - preorder
Race for the Galaxy - preorder
Blackbeard - preorder
Fire & Axe - preorder
Galaxy Trucker - preorder
TTR Card Game - preorder
Neuland - preorder
Agricola - preorder
Pillars of the Earth Expansion - preorder
Chinatown - Preorder
Middle Kingdom - Preorder
Wasabi! - Preorder
Some of these were available in initial release and will be available from second printings very shortly - but for our purposes, they will be in the next Game-A-Thon.
As to the question about linkage between this site and the Amazon sites, they use different front end transaction engines but pull from the same inventory (and happily have the same owner). That is why I am offering gift coupons to the Amazon stores. However, you would not be able to use an Amazon coupon on the Google site unfortunately. (you can use them on the Amazon sites). During this Game-A-Thon, all of my attention is focused on the Google site but afterward there will again be deals on and
I hope this helps.
Thanks for the info!
How often do you typically hold these Game-A-Thons? When should we expect the next one?
They used to be held about once a month, but this is actually the first one this year.
The next one will probably be mid to late June. Look forward to seeing you there!
For your planning purposes, this Game-A-Thon will end tomorrow evening. I'm still working through requests so don't give up if you haven't seen yours come up yet.
Probably a preorder to huh?
Descent: Altar of Despair
Hanging Gardens
Stone Age
Looking for:
Stone Age
B-29 Superfortress
Age of Discovery
few more....these might be too high for me but you never know :P
FAB: The Bulge
Price of Freedom
Field Commander: Rommel
B29 Superfortress
Can you get any of the PitchCar Mini Extensions?
Ooh...or Vexation expansion for TransAmerica.
I need Freidrich or FAB: The Bulge to get me over $100 mark! Help me out Eric!!
okay... but you better be quick on the trigger...
Uh Oh... Brandon, someone beat you to it...
Any chance for El Grande?
nooooooo, I was driving home from work!!!
Is ETI: Estimated Time to Invasion (from Eye Level Entertainment) outside the scope of possibility? Thanks.
So far my distributors haven't gotten E.T.I. yet but it will likely be in the next Game-a-Thon.
We have about 5 hours left in this Game-a-thon, so if you have any requests... put 'em out there.
As far as the Leaderboard goes, it's very tight between the top 2 and VERY tight for 3rd place. Just as a reminder, first place will get a coupon good for 10% of their net purchase price during the Game-a-thon, 2nd place will get 8%, and 3rd will get 6%.
Also, everyone over $100 will get a free game.
Any more copies of Hanging Gardens?
what time is it ending?
It will end sometime between 11pm and midnight Eastern.
Hanging Gardens was still available... I republished it in case it wasn't searchable for some reason.
Though I don't want it, Hanging Gardens is not visible. And other games are going in andout (first time I have expierenced that since the game-a-thon started).
I don't see it either. How many games do you have up? I can see 25 with Airships the newest.
I see 25 as well - if you don't count the crazy hunter.
Any copies of Mwahahaha to be had?
Here is the URL for Hanging Gardens...
Any chance of having the next game a thon on the Amazon site? I'd love to combine Prime shipping with a game a thon....
Are we done yet? It's past midnight and I want to go to bed!
Eric did you get my email?
Not... quite... yet...
Brandon - yes. Will get back to you.
Tracy - yes. I may put a poll on the blog to see which is preferred.
Okay... no new games will be added, I will leave the items open overnight to give you a bit more time in case you're on the fence.
Results will be posted tomorrow! Thanks!
Seemed to be a successful 'Thon. I hope you enjoy my Stimulus Rebate check. I just got mine today and will be forwarding most of it to Virginia very shortly.
Any ETA on the recap of winners and final tally?
That figures, I forget to check the site this week (been pretty busy), and I miss th whole thing :(.
I think I last looked the night before it started :).
Ok great! I look forward to the vote on using either google or amazon. Is there any reason to use google? I'm not sure why anyone would prefer that, but I'm also ignorant on how google storefronts work and what the benefits are.
The pricing is different because of the commission structure at Amazon.
When do items typically ship out after a Game-A-Thon?
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