Monday, September 5, 2011

Long Overdue Update and Apology

Hello everyone,

First, let me apologize to everyone who has STILL not received their order. Let me describe what is going on and at least let you know what I know.

When Amazon indicated they would begin charging Long-Term Storage Fees (LTSFs) for items that had been in storage over 365 days, they also indicated we had several options to avoid the (exorbitant) fees they would be charging. ($45 cubic foot... seriously?) One of the options they provided was a "removal" order which was shipment of the item(s) to an address we provide. These removal orders were estimated by Amazon to be shipped out within 10-14 days, which is the estimate we provided when we announced the Game-A-Thon. The benefit was that a removal order was significantly cheaper to execute than a normal Amazon fulfillment order, presumably to make up for the fact they were adding this new LTSF.

Unfortunately, as one of the posters astutely pointed out, Amazon has not taken these removal orders or their promised turnaround time as a priority. Also, there does not seem to be any rhyme or reason to which orders get fulfilled and which don't... Another "defect" in this process is that we do not get the same information on removal orders that we do on fulfillment orders, meaning all we see is a status of "pending"... we do not receive tracking information or any other updates until the order is "completed".

This is very frustrating to us, as I'm sure it is to many of you, especially those who still have not received your items. We have learned a lesson from this and will not be relying on Amazon's removal process for any other orders... 

I have received many notes about status, tracking, etc. of orders - unfortunately, as I noted above, I do not receive any information from Amazon until the order is completed (delivered), which does not do any good. Otherwise, it just shows as pending. I am happy to provide the order entry information as we entered into Amazon for anyone that would like to see it (for example, to find out what the contents of their mystery bundle will eventually be).

Again, you have my sincere apologies for the fulfillment fiasco and my commitment that we will never again rely on Amazon's removal process for customer orders.

Eric Robinson


jbmoby said...

I would like to know the contents of my mystery bundle. How do I go about inquiring?

flashburn said...

I'd also like to find the contents of my mystery bundle, as I've only gotten one game from it so far.

jbmoby said...

Someone on BGG has received feedback on their mystery box contents by sending a message through their google checkout page ("contact game of the day").

I have done the same.

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to say this is exactly what everyone expected to be the cause of the delays. It has frustrated a lot of people.

I hope that, when the GameOfTheDay returns there is an opportunity to have things move faster without Amazon as the middle man.

I also hope GotD remains vocal about what I would essentially qualify as mistreatment of the costumers in Amazon's circles.

GameoftheDay said...

I have asked to have a call with senior management/executives from Amazon to discuss the problems that have occurred as a result of the removal orders. Again, I apologize to everyone who was impacted by this... it's taken us a lot of time to try to sort out where everyone's packages are, and I think everyone has been more than patient.



jbmoby said...

I am still waiting for 2 games I ordered and 1 game from my mystery bundle.

I ordered so many games, I couldn't play them all when I got them anyways, so need to sweat shipping times.

Even if this Amazon was assuming these were to be shipped to the vendor, so lower priority, the delays are deplorable. What if you, say, wanted to sell that stock in the intervening month? Shame on them. It sounds like they are just trying to get 1 last dig at those who didn't want to put up with their fees.

Carly said...

I did finally get all my games (well, except for the two copies of Moby Pick that were shipped to the wrong address thanks to Google Checkout, but I don't expect to get those and it's not important). Eric, I'm sorry that this has turned out to be so frustrating for you and for us, hopefully things will be smoother from now on!

Marcus said...


What's the latest news regarding the 7 Wonders fiasco? If you're still shipping, great. I'll wait and hopefully get a Christmas present. If not, please know that I've cancelled my credit card and so if you're giving reimbursements, I'll take a gift certificate to CoolStuffInc instead. Email me back or send me a BGG GeekMail at mbb188.

cdw said...

Google Checkout order number: 501843954389962

I emailed you on October 2 about this order. You replied on October 6 that you should have more information within a week about this, but it is now a month later and I haven't heard back from you.

Could you please let me know as soon as possible about the status of this order? This was from your Game-a-thon. I have received Small World: Underground, but have not received Caylus Magna Carta. I would appreciate a response letting me exactly when I may expect the game or a refund.

Thank you,
